Reading comprehension in English with questions and answers
By tracking diseases over time and geography, epidemiologists learn to predict
how many cases of an illness should normally happen within a defined period of
time, place and population. An outbreak is a noticeable, often small, increase
over the expected number of cases. Imagine an unusual spike in the number of
children with diarrhea at a daycare. One or two sick kids might be normal in a
typical week, but if 15 children in a daycare come down with diarrhea all at
once, that is an outbreak. When a new disease emerges, outbreaks are more
noticeable since the anticipated number of illnesses caused by that disease
was zero. An example is the cluster of pneumonia cases that sprung up
unexpectedly among market-goers in Wuhan (China). Public health officials now
know the spike in pneumonia cases there constituted an outbreak of a new type
of coronavirus, now named SARS-CoV-2.
Fischer, R. (2020). “What’s The Difference Between Pandemic, Epidemic And
Outbreak?” in GIZMODO.
Retrieved from
(Edited text).
Al rastrear enfermedades a lo largo del tiempo y la geografía, los
epidemiólogos aprenden a predecir cuántos casos de una enfermedad deberían
ocurrir normalmente dentro de un período de tiempo, lugar y población
definidos. Un brote es un aumento notable, a menudo pequeño, sobre el número
esperado de casos. Imagine un aumento inusual en el número de niños con
diarrea en una guardería. Uno o dos niños enfermos pueden ser normales en una
semana típica, pero si 15 niños en una guardería contraen diarrea de una vez,
eso es un brote. Cuando surge una nueva enfermedad, los brotes son más
notorios ya que el número anticipado de enfermedades causadas por esa
enfermedad fue cero. Un ejemplo es el conjunto de casos de neumonía que
surgieron inesperadamente entre los asistentes al mercado en Wuhan, China. Los
funcionarios de salud pública ahora saben que el aumento en los casos de
neumonía allí constituyó un brote de un nuevo tipo de coronavirus, ahora
llamado SARS-CoV-2.
The main intention of the author is
A) to prepare people from a new type of coronavirus.
B) to explain the principal characteristics of an outbreak.
C) to show differences between pandemic and epidemic.
D) to discuss the reasons why a new disease emerges.
Solution: The author is explaining what is an outbreak and who we
can identify it.
Answer: B
The word ZERO implies
A) devaluation.
B) narrowness.
C) unimportance.
D) nonexistence.
Solution: The word ZERO is used to express that there was no
evidence of the illness before.
Answer: D
According to the passage, we can infer that an illness like dengue could be
considered an outbreak in certain conditions, because
A) the analysis from physicians about that illness are questionable.
B) like the new SARS-CoV-2, that disease would need to be unknown.
C) it probably affected more than 15 children in a week worldwide.
D) it depends of how quickly and unexpectedly the disease spreads.
Solution: It does not matter if it is a known or unknown disease.
The passage says that an outbreak is a noticeable, often small, increase
over the expected number of cases”. So, if a disease accomplishes these
requirements, it could be considered an outbreak.
Answer: D
According to the information from the passage, it is false to say that
A) was recognized for scientist long before it was considered an
B) constituted an outbreak because of the characteristics that
C) is a type of coronavirus that sprung up unexpectedly in Wuhan, China.
D) the number of people infected for this illness was zero at the
Solution: The passage explains that, for example, in the case of
SARS-CoV-2, the number of cases was zero. So, it is not possible that was
recognized much time before the disease started to be considered an
Answer: A
If the typical number of children with an illness in a day were 15,
A) that case would no longer work as an example of an outbreak.
B) the government of that country is very likely to declare quarantine.
C) that analysis would be wrong because more people die in a week.
D) that disease could have the appearance of a terrible pandemic.
Solution: The number of cases (15) of diarrhea in the second
paragraph are unexpected. If they were expected, that would not be
considered an outbreak.
Answer: A
Wolves are legendary because of their spine-tingling howl, which they use to
communicate. A lone wolf howls to attract the attention of his pack, while
communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to another. Some
howls are confrontational. Much like barking domestic dogs, wolves may simply
begin howling because a nearby wolf has already begun. Despite that, in
popular traditions around the world, the howling of the wolf was always linked
to the demonic and the supernatural. Currently, there is no scientific
evidence to support such claims.
Hermann. T. (October 16, 2019). The gray wolf. In National Geographic.
Retrieved from:
Los lobos son legendarios debido a su aullido de hormigueo, que utilizan para
comunicarse. Un lobo solitario aúlla para atraer la atención de su manada,
mientras que los aullidos comunales pueden enviar mensajes territoriales de
una manada a otra. Algunos aullidos son de confrontación. Al igual que los
perros domésticos que ladran, los lobos simplemente pueden comenzar a aullar
porque un lobo cercano ya ha comenzado. A pesar de eso, en las tradiciones
populares de todo el mundo, el aullido del lobo siempre estuvo vinculado a lo
demoníaco y lo sobrenatural. Actualmente, no hay evidencia científica que
apoye tales afirmaciones.
What is the central topic of the passage?
A) The real causes of the wolves howling
B) The legends that link the wolf to the demonic
C) The different types of howls emitted by dogs
D) The reasons why dogs are related to wolves
Solution: Throughout the passage, the author reports, mainly, on the
various causes of the howling of the wolf.
Key.: A
The word LEGENDARY implies
A) yearning.
B) temerity.
C) fame.
D) heroism.
Solution: In the text, LEGENDARY, it involves the GREAT FAME that
the wolf has had for its howl. that is to say, HIGHLY KNOWN.
Key.: C
It is compatible to affirm that between dogs and wolves there is
A) a popular legend that links them to the devil.
B) no reason to consider them dangerous animals.
C) an irrefutable proof of the origin of their howls.
D) a certain affinity in the meaning of their howls.
Solution: The text states that between the wolf and the dog, there
are some howls that have the same communicative function, that is, a certain
affinity in the meaning of their howls.
Key.: E
About the howling of wolves, it follows that
A) they have a reproductive purpose.
B) they are emitted when they are alone.
C) they have a different range of meanings.
D) they indicate their mystical nature.
Solution: The author maintains that the wolves howl for
communicating with their group, sending messages from one group to another,
that is, it is inferred that their howls have a diverse range of
Key.: C
If wolves howl only on a full moon, possibly
A) the folk traditions about the howling of the wolf would be correct.
B) the scientists' research on this animal would be correct.
C) no one would maintain contact with any being of this species.
D) people would attribute supernatural powers to this species.
Solution: The text argues that some popular traditions have
associated the wolf with the night, then, if wolves howl only on a full
moon, then, the popular traditions would be right.
Key.: A
There are thousands of kinds of cheese, each with its own color, shape,
nutritional value, flavor and texture. Since cheese is made from milk,
cheese types tend to vary based on the source of milk. Some of the most
popular cheeses are made from the milk of cows, goats and sheep. But there are
also cheeses made from camel milk, water buffalo milk – even moose milk.
To make cheese, you need to add bacteria to the milk. These create chemical
reactions that cause it to change into a combination of solid “curds” and
liquid.” The whey is generally drained off, concentrated and dried into a
Variations in the amount and type of bacteria influence the taste and texture
of the final product. Other aspects factor into the type of cheese that is
produced: the salting method, its temperature and how long cheesemakers age
it, which refers to the amount of time it is left alone to ripen and form.
Some cheeses are aged for as long as 18 years.
Clark, S. (2020). “Why Does Swiss Cheese Have Holes?” in GIZMODO. Retrieved
(Edited text).
add (-ed): v. añadir
age (-ed): v. añejar, madurar
amount: n. cantidad
as long as: conj. durante, mientras
change (-ed): v. cambiar
cheese: n. queso
chemical: adj. químico
cow: n. vaca
curd: n. requesón, cuajada
drain (-ed): v. drenar, escurrir
dry (-ed): v. secar
each: pron. cada
even: adv. incluso
flavor: n. sabor
goat: n. cabra, chivo
kind: n. tipo, clase
leave (left): v. dejar
make (made): v. hacer, crear
milk: n. leche
moose: n. alce
need (-ed): v. necesitar
own: adj. propio
powder: n. polvo
ripen (-ed): v. madurar
shape: n. forma
sheep: n. oveja
since: conj. porque, ya que, desde
source: n. fuente
taste: n. gusto, sabor
tend (-ed): v. tender
value: n. valor
whey: n. suero (de leche)
with: prep. Con
What is the central topic of the passage?
A) The time of aging of some cheeses
B) Variety and preparation of cheese
C) Cheese from different kind of animals
D) Differences between curds and whey
Solution: The passage explains that there are many varieties of
cheeses and then talks about its preparation.
Answer: B
The word TEXTURE implies
A) height.
B) addition.
C) consistency.
D) loftiness.
Solution: The feel, appearance, or consistency of a
Answer: C
We can infer that cheese made from moose or camel
A) is way more expensive than cow cheese.
B) requires more time of aging to be prepared.
C) is less known than goat or sheep cheese.
D) tastes worse than cheese made from cows.
Solution: The passage says that the most popular cheeses are those
made with goat or sheep milk. Other kinds are going to be less
Answer: C
It is valid to say that the bacteria used to make cheeses
A) is one of the factors that affects the final product.
B) make the cheese to be saltier in all the cases.
C) is the same in all the cases we want to make it.
D) is forbidden due to its confirmed unhealthiness.
Solution: Bacteria, salting method, temperature and aging are some
of the factors that affect the final product: cheese.
Answer: A
If we do not add any bacteria to the milk with which we want to make
cheese, then
A) it would be possible to make cheese anyways with an appropriate
B) the milk we are using would eventually transform into a liquid and solid
C) most of the milk utilized to make that cheese would stop being useful
D) we would be unable to obtain curds and whey to continue with the
Solution: The addition of bacteria permits the milk to change into a
combination of curds and whey.
Answer: D
is one of the favorite celebrations that Americans have through the
year. The reason for this is that it allows people to dress up in
costumes and go to fun parties and events, but the ones that enjoy
Halloween the most are usually the children. They will dress up and go
out with their parents to ask for candy. Trick or treating has been the
main way to celebrate Halloween for everyone in the US. Halloween is
also celebrated by many adults who throw costume parties at their homes.
There are also locations that hold contests for the most amazing
looking costumes that come out to participate and the celebration in
general is quite fun for most people, except those who are not
interested having to open their door every five minutes to give candy to
kids. There are usually pumpkin pies that are made during this
celebration because a lot of people make lanterns
out of pumpkins and they are called «Jack-O’-lanterns».
Recuperado de
es una de las celebraciones favoritas de los americanos a lo largo del
año. La razón es que permite a la gente disfrazarse e ir a fiestas y
eventos divertidos, pero los que más disfrutan de Halloween son los
niños. Se disfrazan y salen con sus padres a pedir dulces. El truco o
trato ha sido la principal forma de celebrar Halloween para todos en los
EE.UU. Halloween también es celebrado por muchos adultos que hacen
fiestas de disfraces en sus casas. También hay lugares que realizan
concursos de los disfraces más sorprendentes que salen a participar y la
celebración en general es bastante divertida para la mayoría de la
gente, excepto para aquellos que no están interesados en tener que abrir
su puerta cada cinco minutos para dar dulces a los niños.
Normalmente hay pasteles de calabaza que se hacen durante esta
celebración porque mucha gente hace linternas de calabaza y se llaman
«linternas de Jack-O».
What is the central theme of the passage?
A) All the celebrations of the Americans in the year
B) The different costumes they design on Halloween
C) The general characteristics of the Halloween party
D) The delicious desserts at the Halloween celebration
Solution: The author informs us about the celebration of Halloween in the USA.
Key: C
The word TO ENJOY implies
A) turmoil.
B) disorder.
C) change.
D) amusement.
Solution: In the text, the phrase «the children enjoy Halloween» implies amusement.
Key: D
It is not compatible to say that pumpkins
A) increase the price of their value suddenly.
B) are transformed into flashlights called Jack.
C) they are eaten in celebration of Halloween.
D) are very much used at the Halloween party.
Solution: Nowhere in the text is it stated that pumpkins go up in price.
Key: A
It is inferred of the passage that some adults
A) prefer to disguise themselves as vampires or wolves.
B) don't sometimes celebrate the Halloween party.
C) enjoy Halloween a lot of more than children.
D) organize parties to raise money for their costumes.
The passage mentions that some adults do not want to open their doors
on Halloween. So, it can be deduced that they prefer not to celebrate
Key: B
If no candy was given away on Halloween, then
A) only pumpkins would be given in the party.
B) no one would participate in the great party.
C) fathers wouldn't go out with their little kids.
D) the party would lose diversion for the children.
Solution: If that's the case, the kids wouldn’t be so much fun anymore.
Key: D
consciousness, free will is often misunderstood because we know it by
reference, but it ́s difficult to know it be content, what are you
really mean by free will? A lot of people who immediately feel that free
will is related to whether the universe is deterministic or
probabilistic. And while physics has some ideas about that -which change
every now and then- it ́s not part of our experience and I don ́t think
it makes a difference if
the universe forces you randomly to do things or deterministically.
important thing seems to me that in free will you are responsible for
your actions, and responsibility is a social interface. For instance, if
I am told that if I do “X” I go to prison, and this change my decision
whether or not to do “X”, I ́m obviously responsible for my decision
because it was an appeal to my responsibility in some sense. Likewise,
if I do a certain thing that causes harm to other people and they don ́t
want that harm happen, that influences my decision. This is a discourse
of decision -making that I would call free will decision.
igual que la conciencia, el libre albedrío a menudo se malinterpreta
porque lo conocemos por referencia, pero es difícil saberlo por
contenido, ¿que realmente se quiere decir con libre albedrío? Muchas
personas sienten de inmediato que el libre albedrío está relacionado con
si el universo es determinista o probabilístico. Y aunque la física
tiene algunas ideas sobre eso, que cambian de vez en cuando, no es parte
de nuestra experiencia y no creo que haga una diferencia si el universo
te obliga a hacer cosas al azar o de manera determinista.
Lo importante me parece que en el libre albedrío eres responsable de tus
acciones, y la responsabilidad es una interfaz social. Por ejemplo, si
me dicen que si hago X voy a prisión, y esto cambia mi decisión de hacer
X o no, obviamente soy responsable de mi decisión porque en cierto
sentido fue una apelación a mi responsabilidad. Del mismo modo, si hago
algo que causa daño a otras personas y no quieren que ese daño ocurra,
eso influye en mi decisión. Este es un discurso de toma de decisiones
que yo llamaría una decisión de libre albedrío.
Bach, J. (10 july, 2017). ¿Do humans have free will, or Are we programmed by society? Big think.
The main intention of the author is to
A) analytically describe the notion of free will.
B) show relation between decisions and the harm.
C) try the irrelevance of several responsibilities.
D) explain the importance of the free will decisions.
Solution: The text is explaining the importance of the free will decisions.
Key.: D
What does HARM most likely means?
A) Mistake
B) Damage
C) Stole
D) Theft
Solution: HARM most likely mean injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted.
Key.: C
About free will decisions, it is false to say that
A) this could trigger harm to other people.
B) we could choose to do something or not.
C) we can have them without responsibility.
D) there are effects in social environment.
Solution: Free will decisions are part of our social experience.
Key.: C
It can be inferred from the free will that
A) the universe is more deterministic than probabilistic.
B) around the consciousness there are confusions.
C) my decisions will always be correct and strong.
D) it is always misunderstood by many people.
Solution: At
the beginning of the passage a comparison is established between free
will and consciousness. So, we don ́t know the nature of the
Key.: B
If a woman considered that jokes can cause harm,
A) such person would never make jokes to anyone.
B) human hilarity would finish around the world.
C) this would have implications for her decision.
D) she would dedicate herself to stand up comedy.
If something causes harm to others that influences my decision.
Key.: C
principle, it was stipulated that the United Kingdom would leave the
European Union on March 29, 2019. The deadline, however, could be
extended if the British government so requested and the other 27 EU
members agree, which happened on several occasions with the last
extension set until January 31, 2020, when it will finally occur. And
completing the process on that date was the main campaign promise of
Johnson, the leader of the Conservative Party who confirmed himself in
office with an overwhelming victory in the December 12, 2019 elections.
critics, however, insist on that Brexit will only be completed once the
United Kingdom negotiates the terms of its new relationship with the
European Union. Johnson has said he is convinced that he can sign a free
trade agreement with the EU before the end of 2020, but others believe
it will take much longer.
The decision to leave the
European Union caused a real political earthquake in the United
Kingdom, forcing the resignation of David Cameron. And the country has
spent the last two and a half years trying to agree on the type of
relationship it wants to maintain with the European Union, while the
government of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, negotiated the terms of
the separation.
A first «divorce agreement» between London and Brussels was announced on
November 25, 2018 and May's original intention was to put it to a vote
in the British Parliament on December 11. But the British Prime Minister
backed down at the last minute, when it became clear that she did not
have the necessary majority for the approval of the agreement, promising
to return with a better one.
«What is Brexit and 5 other basic questions to understand the United
Kingdom's exit from the European Union ». BBC News.
Recuperado de ˂
46521624 ˃
Mainly, the passage is about
A) the separation of the United Kingdom from the EU
B) United Kingdom and its relationship with the EU
C) the decision of the United Kingdom to remain in the EU
D) the Brexit political earthquake in the United Kingdom.
Solution: The passage, in effect, describes the issue of the separation of the United Kingdom from the European Union from Brexit.
Key: A
In the passage, TO LEAVE implies
A) solution.
B) skepticism.
C) abandon.
D) outcome.
Solution: The decision to leave implies choose to abandon the EU.
Key: C
It is not compatible to say that the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union
A) caused the election of a new minister.
B) has been the subject of long negotiations.
C) has forced the resignation of David Cameron.
D) caused a political equilibrium in the United Kingdom.
Solution: The decision to leave the European Union caused a real political earthquake in the United Kingdom.
Key: D
We can infer that Brexit
A) is already a firm and irreversible agreement.
B) is harshly criticized by the conservative leader.
C) has very few opponents in United Kingdom.
D) still needs actions for its implementation.
According to the reading, the decision to leave the European Union
caused a real political earthquake in the United Kingdom that forced
David Cameron to resign.
Key: D
If Johnson’s electoral promises were kept perfectly,
A) EU would have more strength.
B) there would be another election.
C) it would be the end of the politics.
D) Brexit would be fulfilled in 2020.
Solution: According to the reading, Johnson ensured compliance with Brexit.
Key: D
the end of the first millennium b. C., activity at the Sanctuary of
Zeus began to diminish. One of the main reasons for this was the
founding of Megalopolis in 370 b. C. on the plains below Mount Lykaion.
Megalopolis was the first urban center in Arcadia and eventually housed
its own Sanctuary of Zeus Lykaios. The Lykaion games were also
subsequently transferred there. The Sanctuary of Zeus’ decline on Mount
Lykaion may have simply been a result of logistics and convenience, as
it was much easier to travel to Megalopolis to seek the favour of Zeus
than to hike up a mountain.
the directors of the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, the
“birthplace” of Zeus has a more figurative than literal meaning. “I
think the term may be derived from a memory in antiquity when Zeus’
worship became associated with the site,” says Voyatzis. “My guess is
that prior to Zeus there was another ancient divinity or force
worshipped on the mountaintop. In my opinion, the idea of his being born
here is really a memory of the beginning of the new cult.” Gilman
Romano believes that the notion that Zeus was born on Mount Lykaion can
even be interpreted as a reference to the birth of Greek culture itself.
“I like to think that there may be more to the story and that the
‘birthplace’ connotation could have a broader meaning,” he says.
Urbanus, J. (January-February 2018) “A view from the birthplace of
Archaeology Magazine, 71, 1. p. 49
el final del primer milenio antes de Cristo, la actividad en el
Santuario de Zeus comenzó a disminuir. Una de las principales razones de
esto fue la fundación de Megalópolis en 370 a. C. en las llanuras
debajo del monte Lykaion. Megalópolis fue el primer centro urbano en
Arcadia y, finalmente, albergó su propio Santuario de Zeus Lykaios. Los
juegos de Lykaion también fueron transferidos posteriormente allí. El
declive del Santuario de Zeus en el Monte Lykaion puede haber sido
simplemente el resultado de la logística y la conveniencia, ya que fue
mucho más fácil viajar a Megalópolis para buscar el favor de Zeus que
subir una montaña.
Para los
directores del Monte Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, el "lugar de
nacimiento" de Zeus tiene un significado más figurativo que literal.
"Creo que el término puede derivarse de un recuerdo en la antigüedad
cuando la adoración de Zeus se asoció con el sitio", dice Voyatzis.
“Supongo que antes de Zeus había otra divinidad o fuerza antigua adorada
en la cima de la montaña. En mi opinión, la idea de que haya nacido
es realmente un recuerdo del comienzo del nuevo culto". Gilman Romano
cree que la noción de que Zeus nació en el Monte Lykaion puede incluso
interpretarse como una referencia al nacimiento de la cultura griega.
"Me gusta pensar que puede haber más en la historia y que la connotación
de" lugar de nacimiento "podría tener un significado más amplio",
What is the central theme of the passage?
A) Mount Lykaion as a mythological place of birth of Zeus
B) The abandonment of Mount Lykaion as a religious center
C) Transcendence of Mount Lykaion in the field of Greek culture
D) Modern interpretation of the myth of the birth of Zeus in Lykaion
The text tells us that, in ancient times, Mount Lykaion was an
important center of the cult of Zeus, but that it was progressively
abandoned. At present, some scholars give it a deeper and more general
symbolic value.
Key: C
The word LOGISTICS basically implies
A) expenses.
B) reasoning.
C) calculation.
D) organization.
Solution: Logistics is a set of means and methods necessary to achieve something, which implies the idea of organization for a task.
Key: D
It is consistent with the passage to affirm that the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Lykaion was
A) erected at the end of the first millennium b. C.
B) not easily accessible to most believers.
C) designed to convey a hidden meaning.
D) the first religious center of ancient greece.
Solution: It
follows from the passage that was built in an elevated place, so the
pilgrims preferred to go to another religious center located in a
flatter part.
Key: B
It is possible to infer that the cult of Zeus in Lykaion was
A) nuanced by a certain syncretic character.
B) finally imposed through a lot of violence.
C) only sports at the beginning in greece.
D) both religious and philosophical in greece.
Solution: In that place there was an older divinity whose cult was associated with that of Zeus.
Key: A
If the myth of Zeus indicated that the birth of God occurred on Mount Olympus,
A) the pilgrims would have stopped going there for logistical reasons.
B) scholars would dig there to test the myth, according to history.
C) the birth of Greek culture would be associated with any other god.
D) megalopolis would not have developed a center of worship for that divinity.
Solution: The cult was developed in Lykaion because the myth of Zeus placed his birth there.
moved it because of its proximity to that location and its greater ease
of access with respect to the other. Mount Olympus was not near
Megalopolis, so the same process would not have occurred.
Key: D
around the world celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. The
day not only recognizes the achievements made by women, but also brings
awareness to the obstacles that still stand in their way.
the day wasn't officially recognized until 1977 by the United Nations,
the history of the celebration can be traced back to the early 20th
century, thanks to labor movements across North America and Europe.
of the women's movement in Russia during World War I celebrated the
first International Women's Day on March 8, 1913 to peacefully protest
the war. A year later, women across Europe held rallies in solidarity on
that same date.
Following World
War II, countries from all continents began using March 8 as a marker
for advocating women's equality. More than a century later, numerous
events and marches still take place on that day to celebrate the
achievements of women and to take action.
Lawson, H. (2020). “What exactly is International Women’s Day?”. In CNN.
Retrieved from
países de todo el mundo celebran el Día Internacional de la Mujer el 8
de marzo. El día no solo reconoce los logros alcanzados por las mujeres,
sino que también crea conciencia sobre los obstáculos que aún se interponen en su camino.
el día no fue reconocido oficialmente hasta 1977 por las Naciones
Unidas, la historia de la celebración se remonta a principios del siglo
XX, gracias a los movimientos laborales en América del Norte y Europa.
del movimiento de mujeres en Rusia durante la Primera Guerra Mundial
celebraron el primer Día Internacional de la Mujer el 8 de marzo de 1913
para protestar pacíficamente contra la guerra. Un año después, las
mujeres de toda Europa realizaron manifestaciones solidarias en esa
misma fecha.
Después de la
Segunda Guerra Mundial, los países de todos los continentes comenzaron a
utilizar el 8 de marzo como un marcador para abogar por la igualdad de
las mujeres. Más de un siglo después, todavía se realizan numerosos
eventos y marchas ese día para celebrar los logros de las mujeres y
tomar medidas.
The main question of the passage is
A) Why is Women's Day celebrated on March 8?
B) Does Women's Day eliminate discrimination?
C) What is celebrated on March 8 around the world?
D) How is Women's Day celebrated in the world?
Solution: The text mainly explains the reasons why Women's Day is celebrated on March 8.
Key: A
The word STAND can be replaced by
A) slow down.
B) get up.
C) interpose.
D) participate.
Solution: The word STAND can be replaced by INTERPOSE.
Key: C
About Women's Day, it is not compatible to claim that
A) there are many events that day every year.
B) it was celebrated for the first time in 1913.
C) it seeks to advocate for gender equality.
D) the date of celebration varies by country.
Solution: The
reading refers to the fact that everyone celebrates Women's Day on the
same date; Therefore, it is incompatible to say that it varies according
to the country.
Key: D
According to the passage, it is possible to infer that
A) Women's Day was celebrated more than 60 years in an unofficial way.
B) during World War I, a violent feminist movement began in the world.
C) the United Nations agreed to recognize Women's Day by economic pressure.
D) in Middle East it is impossible to celebrate International Women's Day.
Solution: From the first time it was celebrated (1913) until it became official (1977) 64 years of unofficial celebrations passed.
Key: A
If the first International Women's Day had been celebrated in August 1913,
A) Women's Day would probably take place on a different day.
B) the women of the world would have held on to a sexist society.
C) the United Nations would never recognize a day for women.
D) Women's Day would have begun with a totally violent protest.
Solution: The
reading states that the first celebration was held on March 8, 1913 and
in the following years it was held on the same day on that date. If the
first event had happened in August, probably, in the coming years they
would also have been held on that date.
Key: A
many animals finding food isn't so easy: it requires a combination of
keen senses, physical prowess, and plain old good luck. That's why some
species have evolved a unique strategy to stave off hunger: They store
their food in their bodies.
Probably the most recognizable of these is the chipmunk, whose huge
cheek pouches hold nuts and seeds gathered during the warmer months.
Rather than fattening up for the long winter, these 25 rodent species
cache treats in their bulging cheeks.
"Storing food is a fairly advanced trait," says Tracey Sutton, marine
ecologist at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. "It's an important
ecological strategy for animals that live in a very patchy food
environment,” be it freezing temperatures or the remote ocean depths.
Langley, Liz. (2019). This deep-sea fish's expandable stomach can hold huge meals.
Retrieved from https:
muchos animales, encontrar comida no es tan fácil: requiere una
combinación de sentidos agudos, destreza física y buena suerte. Es por
eso que algunas especies han desarrollado una estrategia única para
evitar el hambre: almacenan sus alimentos en sus cuerpos.
Probablemente el más reconocible de estos es la ardilla listada, cuyas
enormes bolsas en las mejillas contienen nueces y semillas recolectadas
durante los meses más cálidos. En lugar de engordar durante el largo
invierno, estas 25 especies de roedores almacenan golosinas en sus
abultadas mejillas.
"Almacenar alimentos es un rasgo bastante avanzado", dice Tracey Sutton,
ecologista marina de la Universidad Nova Southeastern en Florida. "Es
una estrategia ecológica importante para los animales que viven en un
entorno alimentario muy irregular", ya sean temperaturas heladas o las
profundidades remotas del océano.
Mainly, the passage is about
A) the feeding strategies used by many animals such as the chipmunk.
B) the method of collecting nuts from the chipmunk to survive the drought.
C) the number of animals unable to withstand the inclement weather.
D) the combination of sensory and physical skills to control hunger.
Solution: Many
species have evolved ways to tote their own nourishment, an adaptation
to environmental challenges such as drought and cold. For example, the
As used in the passage, STRATEGY most nearly means
A) routine.
B) schedule.
C) method.
D) doubt.
Solution: In the text, the word STRATEGY is referring to the method.
Key: C
It is inferred that a characteristic of the chipmunk is the
A) digestive speed.
B) physical ability.
C) sensory force.
D) instinctive fear.
Solution: The characteristics of the chipmunk is, among other things, the ability to store food in your body.
Кеу: В
It is not compatible to say that the chipmunk
A) has several biological skills.
B) suffers a hard winter.
C) lacks feeding strategies.
D) keeps food in his body.
Solution: Many
species have evolved ways to tote their own nourishment, an adaptation
to Lean environmental challenges such as drought and cold. Among them,
many rodents.
Key: C
If in the deep sea there was an abundant amount of plants and animals, then,
A) sensory abilities would be strongly diminished.
B) many species in nature would become extinct.
C) there would not need to store food in the body.
D) there would have an overpopulation of predators.
Animals store food only in difficult survival environments.
Key: C
say to you today, my friend, though, even though we face the
difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream
deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this
nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
Thave a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of
former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit
down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day
even the state of Mississipi, a state sweltering with the people's
injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed
into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little
children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by
the color of their skin but by the content
of their character. I have a dream...
[Speech by the Rev. Martin Luther King at the «March on Washington». 1963]
The word CREED most nearly means
A) belief.
B) dogma.
C) truth.
D) judgment.
Solution: The word CREED means a faith or other religious bellel.
It follows that, for the American point of view, human equality is a
A) paradox.
B) doubt.
C) certainty.
D) legend.
Solution:Since the idea is presented as a self-evident truth, a high level of certainty it is inferred.
Key: C
What is the main idea of Luther King's speech?
A) A nation where justice and equality prevail is a beautiful utopia.
B) Human life is full of personal dreams about the distant future.
C) We must walk a lot to reach a true brotherhood in the world.
D) The oppression of the people is a terrible prison for mankind.
Solution: Martin Luther King expresses the beautiful dream of building an American nation where there is dianity for all.
Key: A
Which of the following statements is not compatible with Luther King's speech?
A) We must face the obstacles with optimism and hope.
B) The reconciliation of the American people is impossible.
C) The oppression of human beings is a macula in history.
D) Nobody should be judged by circumstantial aspects.
Solution: According to Luther King's thinking, the descendants of slaves and slave owners can be like brothers.
Key: B
If a country were an oasis of freedom and justice,
A) it would be impossible to reach wealth.
B) everyone would have great talent.
C) the personal character would be one.
D) there would be no room for privileges.
"l have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the
color of their skin but by the content of their character".
Key: D
animals are born genetically preprogrammed for certain instincts and
behaviors. Genes guide the construction of their bodies and brains in
specific ways that define what they will be and how they'll behave. A
fly's reflex to scape in the presence of a passing shadow; a robin's
preprogrammed instinct to fly south in the winter: these are examples of
instincts and behaviors that are hardwired. Hardwiring allows these
creatures to move as their parents do from birth, and in some cases to
eat for themselves and survive independently. EAM In humans the
situation is somewhat different. The human brain comes into the world
with some amount of genetic hardwiring. But compared to the
rest of the animal kingdom, human brains are unusually incomplete at
birth. The detailed wiring diagram of the human brain is not
preprogrammed; instead, genes give very general directions for the
blueprints of neural networks, and world experience fine-tunes the rest
of the wiring, allowing it to adapt to the local details.
(Eagleman, D. (2015). The Brain. New York: Pantheon Books)
What is the antonym of TO ALLOW?
A) To grant
B) To license
C) To avoid
D) To assign
To allow is to give the necessary opportunity for. Hence, the antonym is to avoid, i.e., keep away from or stop
oneself from doing something.
Key: C
The author's main purpose is to
A) provide conclusive examples of instinctive behaviors in the animal kingdom.
B) describe the wonderful complexity of human brains in their wide evolution.
C) establish the difference between animals and humans in genetic structure.
D) explain the genetic basis of behaviors according to the theory of evolution.
Solution: Although many animals are born genetically hardwired, in humans the situation is somewhat different.
Key: C
To account for the human being, the following idea is not compatible:
A) The human being is fully genetically determined.
B) There are human behaviors with genetic basis.
C) The flexibility of human brains is a proven fact.
D) Humans are able to thrive in many environments.
Solution: The hun
The human being comes into the world with some amount of genetic hardwiring, but not fully genetically determined.
Key: A
It follows that an example of human instinct is
A) wandering.
B) reasoning.
C) breathing.
D) inventing.
Solution: The
human brain comes into the world with some instincts. It can be
inferred that breathing would be an essential example. Key: C
If an animal brain were born incomplete, the being could be qualified as
A) not preprogrammed.
B) not biological.
C) hardwired.
D) instinctive.
Solution: In this case, there would be not genetic programming.
Key: A
In 1714, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz argued that the matter alone could never produce a mind. Leibniz was a German
philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who is sometimes called «the last man who knew everything». To Leibniz,
brain tissue alone could not have an interior life. He suggested a thought experiment, known today as Leibniz's
Imagine a large mill. If you were to walk around inside of it, you would see its cogs and struts and levers all
moving, but it would be ridiculous to suggest that the mill is thinking or feeling or perceiving. How could a mill
fall in love or enjoy a sunset? A mill is just made of pieces and parts. And so it is with the brain, Leibniz
asserted. If you could expand the brain to the size of a mill and stroll around inside it, you would only see pieces
and parts. When we look inside the brain, we see neurons, synapses, chemical transmitters, electrical activity. We
see billions of active, chattering cells. Where are you? Where are your thoughts? Your emotions? To Leibniz, the
mind seemed inexplicable by mechanical causes.
(Eagleman, D. (2015). The Brain. New York: Pantheon Books; p. 191)
Mill = molino
Cogs and struts and levers = ruedas y ejes y palancas
Sunset = puesta de sol
To stroll around = deambular
Chattering cells = células que parlotean
Mind = mente
What is the antonym of NEVER?
A) perhaps
B) sometimes
C) always
D) together
Never means 'at no time in the past or future: not ever'. Hence, the antonym is 'always'.
Key: C
What is the main idea of the passage?
A) According to Leibniz, the mind is not reduced to the brain.
B) The human brain is like a big mill, philosopher Leibniz says.
C) Gottfried Leibniz argues that the human mind does not exist.
D) To Leibniz, the mechanisms are explained as holistic ideas.
Thanks to the mill's thought experiment, Leibniz refuses the plausibility of the
materialistic theory of mind.
Key: A
With respect to Leibniz, what is the incompatible assertion?
A) He contributed to mathematics.
B) He adhered to philosophical idealism.
C) He made contributions to science.
D) He was a very specialized thinker.
In the passage, it is asserted that Leibniz was known as the last man who knew everything.
Key: D
After reading the passage, it can be inferred that Leibniz advocated
A) dualism.
B) skepticism.
C) materialism.
D) empiricism.
Since Leibniz establishes the non-reducibility of the mind, we infer that Leibniz postulates the mind-brain dualism.
Key: A
If our thoughts and emotions were reduced to electrical activity,
A) Leibniz's argument would still essentially correct.
B) the mind could be explained by mechanical factors.
C) materialistic doctrine would be refuted by facts.
D) our feelings would be out of the human brain.
Solution: Under that case, the mechanistic explanations would be quite plausible.
Key: B
Anxiety describes a group of disorders
that cause worry, nervousness, and fear. These feelings of anxiety
interfere with everyday life and are out of proportion to the triggering
object or event.
In some cases, people are unable to identify a trigger and feel anxious
for what seems like no reason. While mild anxiety can be expected in
some situations, such as before an important presentation or meeting,
persistent anxiety can interfere with a person's well -being.
Anxiety can have a significant effect on the body, and long-term anxiety
increases the risk of developing chronic physical conditions."
The medical community suspects that anxiety develops in the amygdala, an
area of the brain that manages emotional responses When a person
becomes anxious, stressed, or frightened, the brain sends signals to
other parts of the body. The signals communicate that the body should
prepare to fight or flee.
The fight or flight response is useful when confronting an aggressive
person, but it is less helpful when going for a job interview or giving a
presentation. Also, it is not healthy for this response to persist in
the long term.
Jayne, L. E (2018) «The effects of anxiety on the body" From Medical News Today.
Retrievedfrom https:
ansiedad describe un grupo de trastornos que causan preocupación,
nerviosismo y miedo. Estos sentimientos de ansiedad interfieren con la
vida cotidiana y están fuera de proporción con el objeto o evento
desencadenante. En algunos casos, las personas no pueden identificar un
desencadenante y se sienten ansiosas por lo que parece no tener ningún
motivo. Si bien puede esperarse ansiedad leve en algunas situaciones,
como antes de una presentación o reunión importante, la ansiedad
persistente puede interferir con el bienestar de una persona.
La ansiedad puede tener un efecto significativo en el cuerpo, y la
ansiedad a largo plazo aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar afecciones
físicas crónicas. La comunidad médica sospecha que la ansiedad se
desarrolla en la amígdala, un área del cerebro que maneja las respuestas
emocionales. Cuando una persona se pone ansiosa, estresada o asustada,
el cerebro envía señales a otras partes del cuerpo. Las señales
comunican que el cuerpo debe prepararse para luchar o huir. La respuesta
de lucha o huida es útil cuando se enfrenta a una persona agresiva,
pero es menos útil cuando va a una entrevista de trabajo o hace una
presentación. Además, no es saludable que esta respuesta persista a
largo plazo.
The main purpose of the author of the passage is
A) to promote mental health care in our society.
B) to determine the incidence of anxiety in people.
C) to expose the situations that can trigger anxiety.
D) to describe anxiety and its effects on people.
The text mainly describes what anxiety is and how people who suffer from it feel. Key: D
The contextual antonym of the word INTERFERE is
A) facilitate.
B) imped.
C) hinder.
D) intrude.
The contextual antonym of interfere' is 'facilitate'.
Key: A
It is inferred that anxiety is _____________ for people's health.
A) positive
B) harmful
C) refreshing
D) beneficial
In any situation, anxiety brings negative effects for people. Therefore, it is indicated that it is harmful.
Key: B
It is not compatible with the author to affirm that
A) anxiety can cause disorders such as nervousness and fear.
B) some people cannot determine the causes of their anxiety.
C) persistent anxiety could never affect person's well-being.
D) anxiety develops in an area that manages emotional responses.
In the last lines of the second paragraph, the author of the text says
persistent anxiety can interfere with a person's well-being'. Key: C
If a person suffers brain damage in the area of the amygdala,
A) he will always be willing to run away from any situation.
B) it will become a unique case in the medical community.
C) over time, other areas of his brain will also be damaged.
D) possibly, their emotional responses will be very limited
The reading mentions that the amygdala area is in charge of emotional
responses. If that area suffers damage, emotional responses will be
Key: D
D. Ross, a psychologist at Stanford University, has a friend who lost
both her parents in the Holocaust. According to the woman, the awful
events of the H her that it was inappropriate to be upset about trivial
things in life and important to enjoy human relationships. Even though
the circumstances of her life were tragic, the woman was extremely
happy, perhaps due to an innate sense of well-being. According to
psychologists, most of our self-reported level of happiness, a measure
that researchers call «subjective well-being», seems to be genetically
predetermined, rather than caused by experience. A study carried out by
Auke Tellegen and David Lykken of the University of Minnesota compared
the subjective well-being scores of both fraternal and identical twins,
some of whom were separated and raised in different families. By
comparing the scores of the twins, Tellegen and Lykken determined that
most of the differences in people's levels of happiness are determined
by differences in genetic makeup.
A genetic predisposition toward a certain level of happiness means that
regardless of what happens in a person's life, he or she will eventually
adjust to the new circumstances and report the same level of subjective
well-being as before.
The passage's focus is primarily on the
A) search for the specific genes.
B) stories about happy life.
C) influence of genes on happiness.
D) scientific studies on Holocaust.
Solución: Sobre la base de estudios, se indaga en el factor genético y su vínculo con el sentimiento de felicidad (happiness).
Rpta.: C
The word AWFUL means
A) amazing.
B) abysmal.
C) incredible.
D) fearful.
Solución: Debido a que se relaciona con un fenómeno como el Holocausto, se determina que es una experiencia horrible (fearful).
Rpta.: D
About the Lykken and Tellegen study, it is not compatible to say that
A) the twins studied were all raised together.
B) the subjects were paired groups of twins.
C) the subjects rated their happiness.
D) the study found happiness is genetic.
Solución:Los gemelos vivieron separados con el fin de determinar hasta que punto el factor genético tiene primacía. Rpta.: A
It is inferred that the subjects of the Lykken and Tellegen study were asked
A) to summarize the theory of happiness.
B) to reflect on the horrible Holocaust
C) to describe their own subjective well-being.
D) to comment on the cost of living.
Solución: Se infiere que el estudio estableció hacer preguntas a los sujetos para que describan su propia sensación de sentirse bien.
Rpta.: C
Choose the truth-value (T or F) of following sentences about the happiness.
I. There are little relationships between a person's circumstances and his or her level of happiness.
II. Even an experience as Holocaust cannot destroy the sensation of personal happiness.
III. All people have the same level of individual happiness throughout their basic lives.
Solución: Solo
es falso el tercer enunciado en la medida en que hay diferencias entre
las personas por cuanto el factor hereditario es crucial. Rpta.: C
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